We have allowed a culture to materialise where many of us are now expected to work outside of our work hours… for free! And we agree to this! We actually do it. We work hour after hour, long into our own personal time, we miss out on precious time with our children and partners, as well as equally precious time to relax and have fun... and we are doing it for free! Why?! Why are we allowing ourselves to be bullied, manipulated and coerced into agreeing to this? When did we become such willing, compliant slaves?
We do not exist to make money for other people. If someone wants us to work outside of our work hours then they should be paying us! What other reason are we at work for?! As far as I was aware, we go to work to earn money, so, no money = no work. But now it's flipped. Now it's not just no work = no money but work = no money! Huh? We have zero obligation to our employer other than to work to the best of our ability whilst we are being paid to work.
When we choose to work for free then we choose our own exploitation. And when we justify this exploit ion ('oh but i'm just glad to have a job'… 'oh but I don't want to be overlooked for promotion' etc. etc.) and submit to it then we endorse it, we compound it, and, we establish a precedent for our future exploitation that will not be passed up on. Such pitiful compliance makes us the master of our own slavery. We put our shackles on, we turn the lock, we throw the key away, and then we - just because we are audacious like this - bitch about being over-worked and never seeing our families!
Is there an easy solution to this? Nope. Can we come up with a solution? Yes, of course we can! Is there any reason why things need to be this way? It is true that this system has us by the balls. The economy is a (designed) mess and they have the power to dangle our jobs over us and make us play catch. But, who really has the power? US! We have the numbers, we have the intelligence, we have the resources, we have everything we need to change this situation. But we have to make some changes. We have to stop the corporate back-stabbing. We have to stop trying to climb the ladder chasing the money. We have to stop trampling over each other to get to the power and the status. These things divide us and keep us competing against each other instead of working together in unity for a common goal and a shared good.
Look at the stars. Look at the vastness of the Universe. Reflect on the mind-bobbling expanses of time. Consider that, one day, you will be gone from this planet, you and all your loved ones, all your striving, all your ambition, all your power, all your wealth, and ask yourself if what you have and what you strive for is enough to justify this precious life. If not, then what are you doing it for? Why are you missing out on your children growing up? Why are you so tired and stressed and unhappy? It is time for a re-think. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have strength in unity. Stand tall with your colleagues, organise yourselves, relinquish fear, make a stand, and do what you know to be right. You are not a slave.
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