I'm going to be lazy today and not write a blog, but copy and paste what i've already written elsewhere. You see, I post a lot on various discussion forums online, and it's in the moments of dialogue where I tend to write my more impassioned pieces because i'm engaging with and responding to a human being that I care about and want to be happy, and so the love comes through. I'd love to have the same here, you know, people commenting, questioning, challenging, so all that passion and inspiration (on both sides) comes flowing through. Anyway, below is my response to someone who was being a little bit downbeat about humanities future and their own personal ability to make positive changes...
I live in the same world as you. I live in a western society - not even a nice one, but bloody Middlesbrough, the town voted the worst in the UK on a national TV show, and I work with addicts. So, i'm in it big time, right in the thick of the dark belly of this beast, and I fucking love it... and that is the key, LOVE it. You have come here to do a job. Not be a miserable, self-defeated mammal, but a fucking super-hero. Quit making excuses! If I can do this then you can and anyone else can. It begins and ends with us. You have endless, infinite power within you, the idea that these silly little children playing dark forces can even touch you is ludicrous. Unless, of course, you in your infinite power, give them permission to, and then by all means they can feast on you - but not because of their power, but because of yours.
You and I and we have incredible tools at our disposal to counter whatever efforts are being made against to dim our light, and yeah, I grant you, it's a rough ride, it's not easy, but if you are for real, if you are truly wanting to stand up and unleash your truth on this world for the benefit of all living beings then here are some mighty, mighty tools that you are free and able to utilise, that I have utilised extensively and can testify to their power...
1. Meditation. It's a given. If you're not meditating then start meditating. There is no more powerful tool for connecting with your deepest truth... that deep truth is where your endless power lies, so get in touch with it.
2. Diet. No-one wants to hear this and everyone wants to deny what is obvious, but we are designed to eat fruits and vegetables - not meat, not junk, and not cooked foods. There are 18.7 million other species on this planet, and not one of them cooks their foods or creates new foods. Eat your food raw, and eat what nature provides. This alone will take you up to levels you didn't even dream existed.
3. Celibacy. Keep your fluids in you. Stop blessing your socks with your life force. Don't take my words on these things, research and experiment.
4. Fasting. Juice fasting and water fasting. Start small and slow and build up, but do your research first. Fasting is turning your being up to eleven. Again, super-hero territory.
5. Ayahuasca. Not necessary, as it's something that has to already be a part of you, but if it connects then it is an incredible medicine for inner healing.
6. Exercise. Yoga, running, strength building... basically anything that looks after your body.
7. Cold showers. Hot water is for wimps. 5 minute cold shower (not warm... COLD) each day for 30 days makes you a terminator. Honestly. Google 'cold shower therapy' and read the research and the testimonials. I did it. I now kick-ass. 
8. Service. Help people! Volunteer with the vulnerable. It will naturally bring all your best qualities rushing to the surface, and there you will see just how amazing you are.
9. Earthing. Be in touch with the earth through bare feet. Again, 18.7 million species and only one is dumb enough to put shoes on the most sensitive part of their body. Your foot is designed to be connected to the bio-electrics of the planet. Again, read up on it!
I think that is it. The above is what I use. They make a HUGE difference. And there is probably loads of other stuff too that i'm not aware of. Like I said, there are no excuses. We have everything we need to do this job, and we will do. I'm saying all this now in the total knowledge that it is already a done deal. You are already there. It is done. You will play your part. You will play it fully and you will help transform this world. Right now is simply a part of the process you need to go through to make you the most effective warrior possible. Not everything is as it seems. So, as shit as it seems right now, trust. Soon your life will take off in ways unimagined. It doesn't mean you have nothing to do, it just means you are going to do it. Believe in yourself, brother! Your time is as now as you want it to be.
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