Thursday, 12 December 2013

NOW 12th December 2013

Truth the told, I don't have much appetite for this blog.  I think it is more to do with tiredness than anything else.  I'd love to share some super thoughts and moments of brilliance, but with a head like a brick the best you're going to get is dust.  As I said yesterday, let it be real, this is the journey, there is no more that I need be than who I am now.  I accept myself.  Right now is okay.  

The lunch time meditations went well today.  There were three others in the first 15 minute slot and then four others in the second 15 minute slot.  Compared to a grand total of ZERO in both slots yesterday, this is an improvement and a half!  Not that I was at all disappointed or despondent yesterday, I mean, it was the very first day.  I think what i'll do in future is wander the building with burning incense and get them all drooling for meditation.  That or bring in some fancy 'meditation group only' biscuits.  Believe me, a good biscuit is the biggest draw in a service.  If you want someone to attend your group make sure the boiler is boiled and the biscuit box is present.  

My civil disobedience campaign is in its early stages but is going well.  I have attracted 62 'likes' on my Facebook page since yesterday.  Which is good for me!  I thought I sucked at promotion, but maybe all my other ideas sucked and no-one was interested.  I suppose with austerity there is a heck of a lot of passion around the subject.  My vision is grand, to say the least.  Very unrealistic to a small mind.  Thankfully, i'm a dreamer, and I bloody hope i'm not the only one.  I came here to kick-ass and drink kale juice... and i'm all out of kale juice.  That's not even true.  I've got six big neglected plants out on the drive inhaling car fumes.  Still, very high in vitamin K, I believe.     

I feel like sharing a song today.  What shall it be.  Okay, this is what it shall be.


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