Thursday, 26 December 2013

NOW 26th December 2013

It's been a week since I updated here.  For a good few days I was working on Austerity Ends Here and it consumed all my attention and mental energy.  Which was fine because it needed that commitment and that commitment paid off.  Still, I think for this to be a decent blog then it needs to have some dedication too, even if that means just a quick 5 minute entry at least.

Anyway, I was supposed to be fasting and silencing right now, but that fell apart.  It's hard to say at this point why it fell apart and whether it was appropriate for it to fall apart.  One part of me wanted to do it but then when it came to it, and when I was right in the middle of it, it just wasn't enjoyable at all.  I didn't want to be doing it.  In the past i've wanted to fast / silence.  This time there was no motivation there, I was just doing it out of poor motivation.  I can't be bothered to explain right now.  My little brain isn't very clear or fluid right now.  I might come back to it.  

In saying that, I kind of realise that for this blog to be any good at all then I probably need to be more willing to make the effort to share in detail what is happening in my life and not just being like 'oh i'm tired' etc.  Although that is the honest truth!  If I just stay honest with the blog and just expressed myself naturally in the moment then i'm sure that between the BLAH moments there'll be the COOL moments which will make up for all the BLAH.

I'm going to go tidy my room.  It's a mess.   

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