I figure that I should at least offer something to qualify my aspirations to (just) changing the world, and so here are some of the ideas that I have floating around - some old, some new, some developed, some still in the womb.
I think what will be important for the future of humanity is that spiritual practices be presented in a form that is attractive and helpful to those who are spiritually skeptical / reluctant. There are many benefits to be gained from many different spiritual philosophies, unfortunately, though, many people do not get to benefit from the benefits because of whatever obstacle happens to be their obstacle.
Part of that requires that the spiritual philosophy be presented by someone who lives in and understands western culture. We're a bit fucked up us in the west, and I think it will require a western mind to truly understand our peculiar western problems and then solve them. I once read that a Buddha is someone who carves a new path. We need such a path carving through this big old capitalist mess.
For most people to get around to sincere, dedicated spiritual practice requires a certain degree of material security. Most of the impoverished tend to be a bit busy trying to feed themselves and their children and keep a roof over their heads (and bodies). Austerity measures are not helping, but they are a farce and a lie and, I suspect, designed for such a purpose as keeping us eyes wide shut. We live in a time where we have the means, the resources and will for all human beings to live in material security. From such a foundation it will be much easier for human beings to explore their spiritual selves, their creative selves, and their dreams. From this point it would not be long before we lived in a very pretty world.
Hmmm, what else. I think the above is what i'm dedicated to at the moment. I don't want to start talking about how the above will be achieved at the moment because i'll be depriving myself future blog entries. Suffice to say, there are plans. As a caveat it should be made very clear that all my ideas just pop into my head and as such it is very difficult for me to take credit for them. There are many theories as to where these ideas originate, and I might speculate at a later date, but for now i'm happy for them to arrive when needed, and i'll just accept my little missions and crack on. Keep it simple, I say.
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