Wednesday, 11 December 2013

NOW 11th December 2013

I have this thought in the back of my mind that this blog must somehow entertain and stimulate and inspire for it to be worthwhile.  Of course, i'd love to have some entries that do do that, but from day to day it is very hard to be inspired and energised and passionate and oh-so insightful.  If i'm going to do this blog every day then all it can be is honest.  I think the day to day thing works because it becomes very much about the journey.  It's not just me sculpting some brilliant thoughts and then posting once in a while.  The journey is what it is, and that includes some tiredness, some apathy, some dullness.  I'm just tired right now - tired from a pointless late night on the weekend that has cast a shadow over the week, and tired from starting up exercising again.  I don't want to bore people, but sometimes even us go-getting world-changers just need to rest, relax and recuperate.  

I don't feel so much pressure at the moment to change the world single handedly.  Okay, that's an exaggeration, i've always known that this is a collective effort, but I am very aware of the gifts i've been endowed with that make me a very strong contender for making huge changes on this planet, and I will give my all to doing so, but I guess where the problem arises is when I don't feel i'm making the most of those gifts, almost like a squandered talent.  That's ridiculous though.  For someone like me there is no time restriction whilst i'm breathing.  My life is my occupation.  I don't just have until my mid-thirties like a sportsman.  Even the true greats like Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha etc. were older than I am now, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself.  

A thought just crossed my mind... Am I being self-absorbed talking about myself like this?  Probably not, since there's no-one else to talk to at the moment, and also I am sharing my thoughts simply to help others, although they may at times have to give these words a good squeeze to get much out of them.  The times are changing.  Something big is going to happen.  Over my dead body.  Who knows what song?  Two points for the first correct answer.  It's not even my favourite song by them, but i'm going to go to sleep and let this wash all over me.  At some point soon i'm going to be very excited and very inspired and you, whoever you are, might just have something worth reading.  Have a nice evening, y'all.          

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