Thursday 26 December 2013

NOW 26th December 2013

It's been a week since I updated here.  For a good few days I was working on Austerity Ends Here and it consumed all my attention and mental energy.  Which was fine because it needed that commitment and that commitment paid off.  Still, I think for this to be a decent blog then it needs to have some dedication too, even if that means just a quick 5 minute entry at least.

Anyway, I was supposed to be fasting and silencing right now, but that fell apart.  It's hard to say at this point why it fell apart and whether it was appropriate for it to fall apart.  One part of me wanted to do it but then when it came to it, and when I was right in the middle of it, it just wasn't enjoyable at all.  I didn't want to be doing it.  In the past i've wanted to fast / silence.  This time there was no motivation there, I was just doing it out of poor motivation.  I can't be bothered to explain right now.  My little brain isn't very clear or fluid right now.  I might come back to it.  

In saying that, I kind of realise that for this blog to be any good at all then I probably need to be more willing to make the effort to share in detail what is happening in my life and not just being like 'oh i'm tired' etc.  Although that is the honest truth!  If I just stay honest with the blog and just expressed myself naturally in the moment then i'm sure that between the BLAH moments there'll be the COOL moments which will make up for all the BLAH.

I'm going to go tidy my room.  It's a mess.   

Tuesday 17 December 2013

NOW 17th December 2013

I haven't posted properly for a few days.  I've been so active and engaged with the Austerity Ends Here (AEH) page that i've almost forgotten to write here, or simply not had the mental energy to do so.  I'm in a curious position with the AEH campaign.  I have over 300 likes in just one week of activity, which is very encouraging, but it's still only a fraction of what I need.  I need to expand my recruitment methods.  I think at the moment that most of the 'likes' I have are empty, in so much that I don't think they are committed in any way to what I am proposing, but that is okay, I have time and ideas to inspire them! 

My best friend is an online marketing professional so he is going to share his ideas on how to get more support.  That is good.  I've always thought that his skills would be very hand in my ongoing efforts to change the world.  His ability to connect with the wider world through the internet will be very powerful when aligned with the right message and action.  I hope this is it!  
Volunteering is going well.  The lunchtime meditations are up and running and doing well.  I'm averaging around 7-8 per session, which is fine for now, as there are many others interested who i'm sure will begin to come along in due time.  

Other than that i'm planning a silence and fast for over the Christmas week.  I'll go into more detail about that closer to the time.  For now, I am mentally sagging.  That Christmas week will be much needed and very helpful.  

Sunday 15 December 2013

My Idea For Civil Disobedience

The banks took our money… let's take it back.

Imagine this…

One million UK citizens each withdraw the total of their bank account overdraft (let's say £1000 each), donate it to a local community service or charity that is struggling because of the cuts, and then write to their bank to let them know what they have done, why they have done it, and that they refuse to pay back the overdraft and will no longer be funding the account.

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to, your good friend, Civil Disobedience. This is how we win.

One million people donating £1000 each means One Billion English Pounds Stirling back into our pillaged communities. It means One Billion English Pounds Stirling taken back from the banks. More than that, it means we will have the governments undivided attention, and enough leverage to achieve our simple and plain goal: to make government abandon its austerity programme. The only question is can get the numbers? With those numbers the government would be powerless. The answer is obvious… of course we can get the numbers!

Let's cut to it. The banks took our money and now we are paying for it with our lives, our communities and our futures. So, let's take our money back, let's take our power back, let's take our future back. We need to show the government that we can and will take decisive action, i.e. that we will win this. What I am proposing will force change. It will capture the imagination of the public, inspiring and empowering them, whilst disempowering the government. This is a course of action that is simple, effective, and achievable. This is our victory card.

We have the resources, the means and the collective will for all UK residents to live in material security. We should aim for nothing less, and accept nothing less.

Join us @ Austerity Ends Here.

Friday 13 December 2013

NOW 13th December 2013

Another tired day.  I don't know what is the matter with me.  I just feel so tired at the moment.  I'm getting good nights of sleep, but when I get up I just want to sleep longer.  I think i'm eating enough for the amount of physical activity I do.  Maybe not though.  Life is good at the moment... it's exciting, and that is all anyone can ask for.  I just wish I had the mental energy to write about it here.  I'm sure I will at some point.  The lunchtime meditations are going well.  Today there were seven of us, which is great for the third day, and a good few of them really seemed to get a lot out of the meditation.  It's been a curious last few weeks for me.  I've been so pro-active, so determined in accomplishing my aims.  It's quite unusual for me!  I think it is part me and part the conditions.  It just seems like the right time, both for me and the service.  I hope it continues.  It's fun!  I want to help make it the best service possible.  I want to help as many addicts as possible.  Especially spiritually.  May all living beings be happy.  May all living beings be free from suffering.  Bless you all.    

Thursday 12 December 2013

NOW 12th December 2013

Truth the told, I don't have much appetite for this blog.  I think it is more to do with tiredness than anything else.  I'd love to share some super thoughts and moments of brilliance, but with a head like a brick the best you're going to get is dust.  As I said yesterday, let it be real, this is the journey, there is no more that I need be than who I am now.  I accept myself.  Right now is okay.  

The lunch time meditations went well today.  There were three others in the first 15 minute slot and then four others in the second 15 minute slot.  Compared to a grand total of ZERO in both slots yesterday, this is an improvement and a half!  Not that I was at all disappointed or despondent yesterday, I mean, it was the very first day.  I think what i'll do in future is wander the building with burning incense and get them all drooling for meditation.  That or bring in some fancy 'meditation group only' biscuits.  Believe me, a good biscuit is the biggest draw in a service.  If you want someone to attend your group make sure the boiler is boiled and the biscuit box is present.  

My civil disobedience campaign is in its early stages but is going well.  I have attracted 62 'likes' on my Facebook page since yesterday.  Which is good for me!  I thought I sucked at promotion, but maybe all my other ideas sucked and no-one was interested.  I suppose with austerity there is a heck of a lot of passion around the subject.  My vision is grand, to say the least.  Very unrealistic to a small mind.  Thankfully, i'm a dreamer, and I bloody hope i'm not the only one.  I came here to kick-ass and drink kale juice... and i'm all out of kale juice.  That's not even true.  I've got six big neglected plants out on the drive inhaling car fumes.  Still, very high in vitamin K, I believe.     

I feel like sharing a song today.  What shall it be.  Okay, this is what it shall be.


Wednesday 11 December 2013

NOW 11th December 2013

I have this thought in the back of my mind that this blog must somehow entertain and stimulate and inspire for it to be worthwhile.  Of course, i'd love to have some entries that do do that, but from day to day it is very hard to be inspired and energised and passionate and oh-so insightful.  If i'm going to do this blog every day then all it can be is honest.  I think the day to day thing works because it becomes very much about the journey.  It's not just me sculpting some brilliant thoughts and then posting once in a while.  The journey is what it is, and that includes some tiredness, some apathy, some dullness.  I'm just tired right now - tired from a pointless late night on the weekend that has cast a shadow over the week, and tired from starting up exercising again.  I don't want to bore people, but sometimes even us go-getting world-changers just need to rest, relax and recuperate.  

I don't feel so much pressure at the moment to change the world single handedly.  Okay, that's an exaggeration, i've always known that this is a collective effort, but I am very aware of the gifts i've been endowed with that make me a very strong contender for making huge changes on this planet, and I will give my all to doing so, but I guess where the problem arises is when I don't feel i'm making the most of those gifts, almost like a squandered talent.  That's ridiculous though.  For someone like me there is no time restriction whilst i'm breathing.  My life is my occupation.  I don't just have until my mid-thirties like a sportsman.  Even the true greats like Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha etc. were older than I am now, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself.  

A thought just crossed my mind... Am I being self-absorbed talking about myself like this?  Probably not, since there's no-one else to talk to at the moment, and also I am sharing my thoughts simply to help others, although they may at times have to give these words a good squeeze to get much out of them.  The times are changing.  Something big is going to happen.  Over my dead body.  Who knows what song?  Two points for the first correct answer.  It's not even my favourite song by them, but i'm going to go to sleep and let this wash all over me.  At some point soon i'm going to be very excited and very inspired and you, whoever you are, might just have something worth reading.  Have a nice evening, y'all.          

Tuesday 10 December 2013

NOW 10th December 2013

I was going to share a story about honesty paying off, but I can't be bothered.  It's so boring telling stories.  Alas, let it be known, honesty is good.  That's right... Good.  Which sums up my energies at the moment.  I volunteered today and now i'm heading back out to town to go to The People's Assembly, which is a meeting group tackling the austerity measures.  I hope they are up for real action.  I can't be bothered (either) with waving placards and leaflet campaigns, not unless they are aligned with real action.  And by 'real' I mean action that works, not just action for the sake of action and to appease our conscience a little.  The thing is, I am so contrary, so un-ruleable, so committed to the wellbeing of all human beings that I really do not give two hundred and eleven shits about the government, the law, or any other authority that acts against what is right. 

I just want to destroy this system.  Not so much through action against the system, but by creating a new idea, offering a new vision, and then living and breathing it for all to see the beauty of it.  No-one needed to denounce horses and their carriages to sell the benefit of the car.  Likewise, other than maybe to get some attention and to kick some shins, I really don't want to waste my energies tearing down what is already obsolete and moribund.  Let it die.  No need to kill it.  Watch the death float by.  It's curious to see the advocates of revolution trying to mirror and repeat revolutions of times gone by, because what is happening now and is soon to happen is going to be nothing like what is expected.  This will be the work of divinity, not hatred and anger.  A compassionate revolution.  I'm rambling, too tired at the moment to think straight.  This is me NOW.  Good, huh?